Australian steel production is on the rise in 2022, following a reinvestment from the federal government in the wake of expensive and unreliable steel imports. This year, the price and availability of steel has become a critical limiting factor to local projects — which is why Bendworx is now stocking extra steel to mitigate supply delays.
It makes perfect sense to produce steel in Australia instead; we have the natural resources, we face fewer stability issues, and we create jobs by producing our own steel. The downside? Steel production releases large amounts of carbon dioxide.
There are ways to produce steel with greatly reduced emissions, a process collectively referred to as producing ‘green steel’. So how feasible is it for Australia to produce green steel, and can we turn it into a booming industry?
How Green Steel Is Made
All steel is produced using iron ore and metallurgical coal, natural resources that Queensland and Western Australia have in droves. Traditionally, steel is made by smelting these resources with blast furnaces powered by coal, emitting 90% of the carbon dioxide produced in the steelmaking process.
We can create a truly ‘green’ steel industry, on the other hand, with three primary methods.
The first is simply by recycling old steel. This method can reduce the amount of CO2 emitted by up to 75% when creating new infrastructure.
Trouble is, steel is durable and long lasting, meaning that there isn’t much to be recycled in the first place. Australian steel is particularly durable as it is designed for harsh conditions. In addition to this, steel can only be recycled to a certain point before it begins to degrade, meaning that recycled steel is not a complete solution.
Efficient Infrastructure
Where possible, simply using less steel in buildings, highways and other structures is a great way for Australia to reduce its carbon footprint.
As cities grow, however, new steel always needs to be produced, and carbon-reduced ways of smelting are in demand.
Blast Furnace Evolution
This is where the steel industry can make the most difference in its emissions.
Rather than using coal to power blast furnaces in the steelmaking process, new technologies like the HIsarna by Rio Tinto or hydrogen-powered furnaces can eliminate the need for metallurgical coal in steel production.
This technology is expected to help steel manufacturers reduce carbon emissions by up to 80%.
Can Australia become a major green steel producer?
As other countries traditionally known for exporting cheap steel face more problems with trade, there’s major potential that we can export steel in much larger amounts.
Provided that Australian steel producers quickly adopt these new technologies, it’s possible that we can meet the world’s fast-growing demand for green steel.
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